The Unscented Kalman Filter (UKF) is a solution to bypass restrictions of highly nonlinear systems. (The well-known Kalman Filter is basically suitable for linear systems.) The idea is to produce several sampling points (Sigma points) around the current state estimate based on its covariance. Then, propagating these points through the nonlinear map to get more accurate estimation of the mean and covariance of the mapping results. In this way, it avoids the need to calculate the Jacobian, hence incurs only the similar computation load as the EKF.
This implementation is a simplified version of UKF formulation, where we assume both the process and measurement noises are additive to avoid augment of state and also to simplify the assumption on nonlinear maps.
Example of usage for sin(x) model:
var q = 0.05; //std of process
var r = 0.3; //std of measurement
var Q = Matrix.Build.Diagonal(1, 1, q * q); //covariance of process
var R = Matrix.Build.Dense(1, 1, r * r); //covariance of measurement
var f = new FEquation(); //nonlinear state equations
var h = new HEquation(); //measurement equation
var x = q * Matrix.Build.Random(1, 1); //initial state with noise
var P = Matrix.Build.Diagonal(n, n, 1); //initial state covraiance
var N = 100; //total dynamic steps
var xV = Matrix.Build.Dense(n, N, 0); //estmate
var zV = Matrix.Build.Dense(1, N, 0); //measurement
for (int k = 1; k < N; k++)
var measurement = Math.Sin(k*3.14*5/180);
var z = Matrix.Build.Dense(1,1,measurement).Add(Matrix.Build.Random(1, 1).Multiply(r)); //measurments
zV.SetSubMatrix(0, k, z); //save measurment
var x_and_P = filter.Update(f, x, P, h, z, Q, R); //ukf
x = x_and_P[0];
P = x_and_P[1];
xV.SetColumn(k, x.Column(0).ToArray()); //save estimate
Project is available on GitHub
Hi Alex, I would like to try using your UKF for STOCK prices. But I need some advice. Could you contact me please xmoon2000[at]